The parable of the journey

The parable of the journey

The blessing of life is the joy of the journey of unending revelation in Christ. Through our wondering and wandering He allows fresh life and wisdom and increased well-being. And we sigh. Sometimes we sigh with a smile and sometimes we sigh with release and sometimes we sigh with weariness. In the end, we sigh into His arms.

A wandering preacher tumbled into town. On his path to heaven, he met other sojourners. Each started their walk-about for a different reason. The wandering wondering preacher met each with the greatest understanding and compassion. Each came. Each stayed. Each left to continue wandering and wondering. The preacher scratched his weariness. It itched.

And he signed deeply and heavily. Sure, many changed. Sure, many were rescued. Sure, many joined the road to heaven. Still, he sighed.

On the rocky road of discovery, the wandering preacher with purpose and aplomb came upon a willing and wonderful woman of prayer. She brought her family from their pain and problems. Drugs, alcohol, sexual thirst, anger, and poverty marked each. A few came to Christ and found a moment of rest. They left quickly and went back into the dark corners and ways of the world.

The wondering preacher sighed deep and heavy. He knew he had been at the right place at the right time and offered great wisdom and well-being from his cup of supply. He knew some had been reached and would be changed for life. Still, he sighed.

On the steep hill of despair, the wandering preacher with destiny and determination came up three couples. One stood high on the hill and looked down on the others. They wanted to be right about everything. Another lived in the valley of depression, they wanted to feel the warmth of the sun that was blocked by the high post of the first. The third was searching for duty. They did not hear why he was there, but this seemed a good place to be for the season of hiding. Up and down the hill they tread. Each attacked the other. In the fight they all went back to where they had come, and the preacher lumbered forward.

The preacher sighed deeply and heavily. Sure, along with the right and the weary and the running, others had been reached. Others who had come in the season changed their lives significantly. They too had gone on to other places, but they first were changed by the compassion and concern of Christ in the journey. Still, he sighed.

In the valley of defeat, the wondering preacher with consternation and commitment met a group of fellow wonderers. They had lost the roof over their heads, and they looked for a place to rest for a while, gaining a fresh strength to go onward. Families were connected and concerned. The leaders of the clan were men of faith and persistence. For a season the preacher could relax. In the arms of others, he walked a season. And they went back to who they were and rebuilt their house of safety.

And the preacher sighed deep and heavy. Sure, many lives changed, and the community came together, but his friends walked a different path. Still, he sighed.

For the next season, the preacher wandered with a willing heart and wonderment in the desert. No one came. He walked the highways and byways, yet none came. Wanderers came and went a few at a time but none stayed. And the season of the desert caused the preacher to reach deeper into His love of God to continue his journey. Storms came. His legs broke underneath him. The building into which he gathered many was smashed and needed repair and rebuilding. In the desert, the preacher changed. He could never return to who he had been before.

The preacher sighed deeply and heavily. Sure, many along the road were helped in the desert. Still, he sighed.

In the town market, the wandering preacher with surprise and a sober mind met many groups coming and going. The busyness of commerce and education and community concerned them. Each had an agenda. Each had needs. The preacher was able to connect some and console some. And in the busyness, they came and went and then just went. Good friends for a season connected and disconnected.

And he sighed deeply and heavily. Sure, many and more were changed and connected and became stronger in family and faith and living. Still, he signed.

On the ribbon of road, the wandering preacher with joy and energy found lovers of life. These met the preacher in his wandering. They found love and new life and hope in his message. Now they were ready to give what they received to others. These are the church, the loving fellowship, the called out, and the body of Christ. These are the forsaken who have been found and gathered.

Everyday as the preacher wandered the roads, the desert, the hills, the storms, and valleys, he met fellow wanderers. Some struggled with great burdens and rested for a moment in the shade of love and learning. Many continued their wandering and found no home. Many made a home elsewhere. All made a home in his heart, and he remembers.

And he sighs deeply and heavy with a joyful smile. Yes, the good and perfect road of the Lord has been full of wonder and wander. And God calls it good. And God sighs with satisfaction. And still the preacher sighs in the arms of his Father, who sees and understands it all.

Day 10 of 31 Days of a Better Life Forward

Day Ten of a life mission of a better life forward for you and your team

There is more than one way to skin a cat

Problems don’t just have one solution. Progress doesn’t just have one path. Explore. Think. Consider. Pick the best one as a team and go for it. Stay creative.

Get ready for a 2024 adventure like no other. You have the opportunity to grow and glow in your responsibilites as a team member, leader, or executive. This is your year and your team’s year to shine. Get an increased sense of accomplishment and satisfaction with a day’s job well done. Identify points of pride to compliment your team. We’ll be here every day to prompt you on the idea of the day that works.
1. Get your work copy of the flip book – 31 Days of Phil-osophies
2. Start today with the item for today.
3. Take the concept and put it in your own words. Example Day 1 Work takes the time allocated to it. My version: When you assign a task to an individual give them adequate time, but not too much or they will lean to filling that extra time in with busy work.
4. Now – Identify one person, prop (tool or technology), project, process, or product/service to which this principle needs applied.
5. That’s it. Wait for day two and do that day and each through the month.
6. At the end of the month, go back and pick the five ideas that might give you and your team the best growth results. Discuss with the team and brainstorm a plan going forward to implement the idea.

Conversation with the Holy Spirit

 “He who offers a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way rightly [who follows the way that I show him], I shall show the salvation of God Psalm 50:23 AMP

The sacrifice that honors me is a thankful heart. Obey me, and I, your God, will show my power to save. Psalm 50:23 CEV

Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God. Psalm 50:23 KJV

Conversation with the Holy Spirit is a living out of life designed and designated by Him for you.  Just you.  Yes, there is a right living outlined in scripture that conforms to the heart of God in honesty, faithfulness, sexual integrity, diligence, worship of God, generosity, prayer, devotion, study of the scripture, fellowship with believers, respect for authority, hospitality, and more.  All of us should be “right living” those items that are complete when done in peace and joyfully.  And there is a specific daily and moment to moment living out the still, quiet voice of the Holy Spirit in our sphere of influence.  He honors our conversation or way of living that respects Him and follows His leadership.  It is a conversation that requires no words, but a submitted heart of obedience.  It brings His power and anointing to bear on our regular living.

Romans 14:16-18 Amplified Bible 16 Therefore do not let what is a good thing for you [because of your freedom to choose] be spoken of as evil [by someone else]; 17 for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking [what one likes], but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 For the one who serves Christ in this way [recognizing that food choice is secondary] is acceptable to God and is approved by men.

Salvation in Full

Salvation is a full expression of wisdom and wellbeing in body, mind, emotions, relationships, spirit, and resources.  It is everything in our lives touched by the Holy Spirit to make it full of His life.  His salvation is our sufficiency.  He is here.  He is active in our daily moments.  He expresses Himself fully into our experience as we work to order our daily living alongside His design and designations.

How Do I Know His Design and Designation?

Isaiah 30:20-22 Amplified Bible 20 Though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of oppression, yet your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will [constantly] see your Teacher. 21 Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left. 22 And you will defile your carved images overlaid with silver, and your cast images plated with gold. You will scatter them like a bloodstained cloth, and will say to them, “Be gone!”

Now that is a graphic worth remembering. Picture having your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, always as real as if you see Him beside you and as communicative as a voice speaking instant directions to tell you what to do and where to go and with whom.   And picture yourself taking all the preferences of your life and your old temptations to err and sin and rejecting them like a blood stained tampon and saying to it, “Get away from me!”

Wow!  You won’t forget that one.  It is real.  It is the conversation of living with the Holy Spirit.  He is real to you in every moment as if you see Him with your eyes. He is real to you to be heard as if His voice was audible.  You are sensitive to reject temptation as violently as if you were confronted with a blood stained tampon that needed tossed away.  That is a conversation, a life way, with the Holy Spirit that brings full expression of His power in your daily living.  Gossip, slander, envy, strife, backbiting, sexual promiscuity, greed, lies, and more are putrid to you.  Everything you do is done in love.  Everything you do is to seek the best for another, both friend and enemy.

Galatians 5:13-14 Amplified Bible 13 For you, my brothers, were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for the [a]sinful nature (worldliness, selfishness), but through love serve and seek the best for one another. 14 For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is fulfilled in one precept, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, you shall have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit].”

How does this conversation work out?

Okay, so let’s say you are getting up in the morning to face your day.  You are committed to being a Christ follower, so you have made allowance for at least 30 minutes to start your day in reading scripture and listening for His voice and direction.

You open your daily reading and a verse seems to jump off the page.  There in Galatians is the challenge to “through love serve and seek the best for one another”.  You stop for  a moment a listen.  An impression forms in your mind that you call a certain friend and check up on them.  It is early.  You wonder if it is too early.  But the impression is strong.  So you call your friend, who is also up and is frantic.  They are struggling through some issues and need and ear to bend.  You listen.  You listen with your inner ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  You hold back telling your friend how to fix the situation, but in earnest and open prayer take a few minutes to pray with your friend for an intervention of the Lord for wisdom and blessing in the struggle.  As you hang up the phone there is  a confidence that you have obeyed the Holy Spirit in a very real moment in the path of this day.

Later in the day, you are confronted by a coworker about a situation.  You are shocked.  You do not understand how they could be so angry.  Your first thought is to jump back at them and become defensive.  The quiet impression of the Holy Spirit stops you and brings back to mind the words, “the kingdom of God is righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit.”  You pause and listen deeply to find a way to respond with joy and peace even when your heart is demanding anger and retribution.  Out of your mouth comes these words, “you really seem upset and I want to fully understand what has caused you to feel this way.”  No only is your coworker dumbfounded but so are you.  The Holy Spirit has given you a disarming phrase to bring peace.  The two of you calm and begin to discuss the issue at hand with reasonable respect for each other.

Is this making sense?  Can you see yourself living this way every day?

A Real Example

A friend stepped into my office a few minutes before lunch and wondered if I might join him.  This was odd.  He had never invited me to lunch before and I was  a bit hurried.  I had planned to work through lunch.  That quiet voice said, “Go with him.”

As soon as we got in the car, he broke into tears.  Work demands were overwhelming him and he felt his marriage was breaking down.  We spent the lunch hour listening to him and praying over the situation.  By the time we were done, he was calmed and felt he had a handle on what to do next.  The Holy Spirit brought joy and peace.  He also knew he could interrupt me anytime he needed and we would visit and pray.

Now that is  a powerful intervention of the Holy Spirit that is an expression of ordering our conversation, way of living, to His design and designation.


Father, You Holy Spirit is here with me.  It is as if I can see Him.  I know He is Spirit, but I just know He is here.  He is guiding.  He is my Teacher.  He brings me to know what to do in each moment of the day in each situation.  I open my heart to hear His voice, His impressions. Teach me.  Guide me.  Send Your Holy Spirit to increase the love of Jesus into my world.

Buy Me A Coffee?  Some folks share gratitude through this simple way.  If if fits.

Stumbling Into Miracles: Did He Mean That?

Did He mean what He said? Can I ask anything in His name and He will do it?

““Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14:12-14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Prayer is an awesome journey. Today, I am sitting on my deck at the lake with a slight breeze and great temperature and a gentle sunshine. It is wonderful. But it is not normal. Usually there can be insects and wind and heat or cold and maybe rain. But today is one of those perfect days that I will enjoy fully outside. The Spring green is beautiful and will crescendo in a week or two. The pear tree is leafy, and the peach is just budding leaves. The native grass is starting.

Other days are not so fun. For the last five years, I have struggled with osteoarthritis. For two years, I could only walk with a stick and the pain at times was unbearable, taking me to tears. Even last year, I bought new walking sticks to be able to walk in the neighborhood and that for only a mile or two. Yet, two days ago, I jogged, yes jogged, 3.5 miles in a walk/run manner with no pain. Amazing. Not healed fully, but so far from where it was, I am amazed. No surgery, just daily determination and workout after workout and prayer. Pain and gain.

What about miracles? Last year during the pandemic enclosure, I wrote a book, Stumbling Into Miracles, . Check it out. There are hundreds of personal stories of miracle interventions in health, finances, friendships, ministry, work, and more.. I wish miracles were as predictable as the TV and VLOG and social media preachers make it out to be.

A friend just called and reported that a critical surgery went “text book” and he is recovering well. That is a good thing. Powerful. God’s hand at work. Right as I type this, I stopped and took the call and can praise a great God at work. It would be wonderful if the situation was just up and healed by the hand of the Holy Spirit and I am grateful His healing included a physician and early detection before it became life threatening.

Yet, another slid back into addiction and finds herself in prison for a few years and other struggles to be healthy one day in a row with multiple medications and other struggles with massive anxiety. And all are worthy of Christ and His love and our prayers and friendship and patience in faith.

And then, we see many instant miracles in ministry under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Every one of these is predictable, though you might disagree. I can point to an intervention through the Holy Spirit in the ones receiving answers and a resistance born of doubt and depression in those that don’t. I can track the recovery of my legs along a physical therapy path and nutrition with no miracles discernible at this time and am grateful for the sense to do the right thing, though I wish I had done it earlier.

There are factors to God’s intervention worth your study. You need to understand and operate under the direction of the Holy Spirit whether He leads to a doctor, a physical regimen, a changed nutrition, an obedient abstinence, or a direct miracle. You need to allow the time He allots whether instant or decades. You need to stay faithful and connected and speak well of Him along the journey. You need to forgive yourself and others and live in an attitude of gratitude and mercy for all. You need to study to show yourself approved.

I pray you get involved here at SOLUM. That word is Latin for soil or foundation. It is the foundations of faith that give us constant miracle interventions of the hand of God. He watches over and shows Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him.

We are family
You are loved
I love you because the Great Love, Jesus, loves me.

Pastor Phil Larson

The God of Promises

A good father, parent, leader, manager, director, supervisor…. is a spiritual leader

Genesis 18:19

19 For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

Strong and clear – others can see our values

God follower – visible to allP

Lived a life of truth – it commands into the lives of others

Believed in God – faith focused

Promises brought to fulfillment

Shared what he received

Psalm 78:72

72 So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.

Lives by faith in God

Skill and excellence


Psalm 28:7-9

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
And with my song I will praise Him.

The Lord is their strength,
And He is the saving refuge of His ]anointed.
Save Your people,
And bless Your inheritance;
Shepherd them also,
And bear them up forever.

Be good leaders and parents and pastors and employers

Live in His promises

His promises come and happen because He decided to do them

Will you follow in faith?

The Call to Revival

Lessons on Revival

  1. Respond – do what He tells you to do
  2. Approach – Enable by leadership
  3. Listen to God – He is in charge
  4. Unify – Come Together – walk away from islands

Isaiah 41 Be quiet before me, coastlands.
    Let the nations renew their strength.
    Let them approach and speak.
    Let’s draw near for a judgment

There is a simple pattern to see revival happen. It really is not difficult. It requires humility and an open spirit to listen to the Holy Spirit.

Creating Revival

Creating Revival

Can I create an awakening or revival? with my prayer? with my actions?

Folks have been trying to bend the Holy Spirit into a full scale revival for 2000 years. He is sovereign and reigns over all. When He sees it is time, He stirs hearts to respond. He can do that in a spot or a nation or worldwide. He can do it with a singular outpouring, a spread awakening, or an explosive encompassing revival. His call. Our obedience.

It is easy to be out of position and miss Him

….We can position ourselves to participate. In Psalm 119 we are pointed to being revived according to His word, His way, and His lovingkindness. And He is the one that revives.

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way. Ps 119:37 NKJV

My soul clings to the dust; Revive me according to Your word. Ps 119:25 NKJV

Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth. Ps 119:88 NKJV

…We can position ourselves in His presence. Through contemplative prayer and praise centered on Biblical truth we open ourselves to connect with God. He is always here. We need to get rid of our hindances to enjoy Him fully.

Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalms 100:2‭-‬5 NLT

…We can position ourselves and respond to conviction of the Holy Spirit with confessing our sins and allowing the realization of His forgiveness to flow.

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts. 1 John 1:9‭-‬10 NLT

If we position ourselves humbly and obediently in this ways, we will find ourselves being revived no matter what others experience. When a community connects together like at Asbury, we see a community awakening. When multiple communities awake, that just might be a revival that started in individual hearts.

Teach us to Love

Father, it is Your love we seek. Fill us with Your love. We are simple and hoping. We are reaching and touching. We are unworthy. You are worthy. You are love. Teach us to love.

Teach us to love the addict

Teach us to love the broken

Teach us to love the busted

Teach us to love the depressed

Teach us to love the suicidal

Teach us to love the angry

Teach us to love the violent

Teach us to love the adulterous

Teach us to love the ones trapped in sexual dysfunction

Teach us to love the anxious

Teach us to love the fearful

Teach us to love and desire the best of all possible for all with whom we come in contact

Teach us to leave our comfort and comfort the discomforted

Teach us to embrace the diseased and discouraged

Teach us to give attention to the lonely

Teach us to take of the resources You give us and share

Teach us to laugh with the brokenhearted

Teach us to dance with the crippled in soul

Teach us to love with no reserve

You promise to be with us in every act of love and mercy

You promise to receive us as we give a cup of cold water

You ask us to visit the prison and the sick room

You ask us to receive the little ones

Teach us to love when we think we have nothing left to give

Teach us to give when love is all we have

Be Revived

Combined below are multiple prophetic words concerning this present revival going back to 2018. At the end is an hour long message of testimony and instruction of the Bible to see personal and community revival continuously from today and the rest of your life. Are you hungry? Read, listen, apply – see miracles in your heart and others.

Extended Instructions and Testimony are in the book STUMBLING INTO MIRACLES

What is revival?

Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.

Romans 12:9 NLTto

Revival is not a church service. Get it? Please get it. It is not a facebook meme or a single spot event.

Revival is an individual heart change and commitment to Christ that results in behaviour conformed to Christ’s heart. Revival is about individuals who then commit not only to Christ but His family. When revival touches a heart, it moves into spiritual formation through becoming a disciple and follower of Christ.

My soul clings to the dust; Revive me according to Your word. Ps 119:25 NKJV

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way. Ps 119:37 NKJV

Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth. Ps 119:88 NKJV

Some refer to a large and visible move of God as revival. Most such moves begin in obscurity. It is hard for humility to prevail in our snap world. It is more likely for the Holy Spirit to build and develop a strong move in the alleys of a Pakistani city or a village of obscure Zimbabwe than a church building. For the last several days, the Holy Spirit selected an obscure campus in Kentucky to show Himself strong. From there, people have accepted the challenge to seek His presence and He is faithfully appearing strong in a variety of campuses in a variety of ways.

This present revival has been going on for over a year. A visible point popped up at Asbury recently. That’s great. Folks get excited about the snaps. It is in motion across many places but not any one is a birth point. It has be a joy of mine to be a part in Pakistan and Mexico. Hundreds have come to Christ in hard circumstance and radically changed lives. Faithful servants continue to press into hard fought beauty of God. I’ve walked alongside others in pray seeing supernatural expansion in India, Africa, Indonesia and more. There is certainly a worldwide struggle for revival to birth. Like an 8 month old baby in the womb, it wants to get out. At Asbury the head has crowned, but the baby has been in gestation for some time.

Get excited about a move of God in your heart, in an obscure place, across the world all at once. We don’t need another Azuza or Witchita or Kentucky or Wales or New England or New York or inception point. We need a worldwide breakout in a thousand locations at once. That is God’s heart. He will meet us in any way He can get our attention. He wants to invade millions of hearts in quiet prayer closets. He wants to erupt all at once everywhere.

Don’t schedule a trip to “the revival”. Lock in your prayer closet. Get involved in a home group. Bury your heart in His love and enjoy your personal revival alongside the saints with whom you fellowship.

The Holy Spirit is everywhere all at once in power. His word, His way, and His lovingkindness will revive.

Father, revive me according to your way, your word, your lovingkindness. Let deep expression of Your love in, through, and all around me in beautiful fellowship produce a revival.

Real Revival Comes in Many Forms

Step Into The Waters

More universities experience a tangible touch of the Holy Spirit. One common denominator is students hungry for God. Real hunger of this type is something the conviction of the Holy Spirit brings. We don’t make this happen he brings it to us. He awakens in us a hunger and fills it with faith and grace and mercy and love. The results will be the measure of how we respond. The results are not in the chapel room the results are in the dorm. The results will be how these students live their lives forward. The results will be how the world is changed.

Christians interested in revival should be looking at all aspects of the touch of the Holy Spirit. He does not limit himself to one style. How he will take this revival into the Mega churches will be different. How he takes his touch into the streets across the world is most different. We reported on some pieces of that yesterday. How he will impact our media and entertainment and political world is another thrust. How he will touch the business community is something different. All of these together become His revival.

The “he gets us” movement is a much a part of the revival as what is happening on the University campus. The Holy Spirit is convicting the world in significant undeniable ways. He is convicting this generation of leaders. He is convicting in the churches and things will be different.

All of us should be looking for personal touch. The steadfast love of the Lord never changes, his mercys never come to an end, he is new every morning, and his faithfulness is secure. Now is a great time for every Christian to seek the face of God’s love. It is a time to let judgment fall to the side. It is a time to open our hearts to ways he wants to show us that we have never seen. God showed his ways to Moses and his acts to the children of Israel. Don’t just learn his acts learn his ways. Deepen your personal connection with the Holy Spirit.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children,

Ps. 103:1‭-‬5‭, ‬7‭-‬8‭, ‬10‭, ‬13‭, ‬17 ESV

The Simple Message of Being Loved

Here’s a thought.. listen to the simple message of being loved and loving others. Respond. Let the Lord touch you.

Interestingly, this is the daily prayer that consumes me during the last three weeks of my recovery. In the night hours when I cannot sleep, I have prayed consistently that the love of Christ consume me. It has been an interesting time.

The Jesus Gets Me campaign has similar voice to acknowledge the love of God.

What is the Lord doing in and through you?

Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.

Ps 119:88 NKJV

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.

Ps 119:37 NKJV

My soul clings to the dust; Revive me according to Your word.

Ps 119:25 NKJV

Renewal In My Heart

Considering the expressions of the Holy Spirit on college campuses, I find myself less interested in what is happening “over there” and more interested in what is happening in my personal life and renewal. I’ve been chair and bed bound in recovery from a surgery for 4 weeks now and have a lot of time to just pray, listen, seek.

Morning Moment group post devotions daily for the worldwide church, I put the word “revive” in a search against the group posts and found a nugget from 2021 about ‘this present revival’.

Like many, I came to Christ in the last sweeping revival of the Charismatic renewal in the 70’s. I came into the kingdom speaking in tongues through a small group on a college campus. Miracles are a regular experience. The tangible presence of God is normal and maybe too common. In ministry I’ve watched many times the power of God sweep and touch every person in churches, living rooms, corporate meeting rooms, alleyways, and tents. Bur most of all I cry for personal reset.

I look for His renewal. I look to escape the fog and connect at a greater level than before. I don’t want to go back to any point. I look forward.

This present revival – RESET (Dec 2021)

In the early days of personal computers, the software provided a blue screen of death when the system crashed. It might give you a hint as to what was wrong or just frustrate the bejeebers out of of you. Either way, it told you that the system needed reset. Today, most computers just lock up and quit responding. You have to figure out on your own that it is hosed up. In the early days, it was simple. The systems were simpler. There was less happening. Today, there is so much going on in the background, it just locks up. Maybe your life is just locked up. The screen moves a little more slowly. The brightness is not there. A little rotating thingee tells you something is not right. Relationships are hung up. Financial future looks dim. You just never feel clean and ready for the next thing. You need a reset.

“My earthly life clings to the dust; Revive and refresh me according to Your word.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:25‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“I am greatly afflicted; Renew and revive me [giving me life], O Lord, according to Your word.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:107‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me and give me life according to [the promise of] Your word.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:154‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“Great are Your tender mercies and steadfast love, O Lord; Revive me and give me life according to Your ordinances.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:156‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“Consider how I love Your precepts; Revive me and give me life, O Lord, according to Your lovingkindness.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:159‬ ‭AMP‬‬

One theme of Psalm 119 is revival, refreshed life, increased understanding, blossoming power, improved love, comfort and consolation and new energy and anointing.

The writer does a great job providing word pictures. My life clings to the dust. I don’t seem to be going anywhere. The world is more real than God’s love and the hope of a better life forward. I am greatly afflicted. Depression has set in. My mind wanders and can’t make decisions. Anxiety holds me back and pushes aggression towards those I love and those I hate.

I need a reset.

“Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“And the disciples were continually filled [throughout their hearts and souls] with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭13:52‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:14‬ ‭AMP‬‬

One theme of the New Testament is a continual experience and infilling of the Holy Spirit. These two go together. The revival according to His word, His ordinances, and His lovingkindness is what the Holy Spirit does. He reaches into the heart of the Father and pours in and through us His Holy Spirit.

Like the writer in Psalm 119, we find connection points. We are hell bound to follow the path of media induced insanity wanting perfect physical beauty, governmental financial security, politics my way or the highway. We are drunk with the world and need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to break us free. We need His fellowship, His guidance, His refreshing. No one thing stands out but we are in a spin.

I need a reset.

In this present revival, the Lord point us to basics. The Bible, salvation through the sacrifice of Christ not our works, right living to bring about a right world of His kingdom in our personal and public lives, the continual infilling of His Holy Spirit that empowers and illuminates our path.

Be filled

Be revived

Be refreshed

Be renewed

Be reset

Father, I need a reset. I’ve bought into so many lies that I wonder about the truth. The press of media from all sides presents the world in constant battle. Yes, it is in constant battle. But You are in constant fellowship. Let me choose a reset. Let me get back to the basic message of salvation in Christ and the power to live a good life in the anointing of Your Holy Spirit. Let Your words of truth be a lamp in the darkness. Help me to push through the smoke and coffee klatch and fancy fine singing and charismatic crafted messaging. Reset me to see Your love, Your compassion, Your kindness ,Your freedom, Your hope, Your restoration, Your forgiveness. Push me past the emotional manipulation into a face to face encounter with Christ. I need a rest. The church needs a reset. We all need a reset.

Tuesday revival notes.. consistent effort. Nov 2021

Forward focus… I just finished settling in a new office and training center. It looks cool. I needed a studio to do tapings and live groups and meet with folks and pray.

What is your vison?

As I sat down I opened a file from early ministry. A typed note and some pictures. The original vision and scriptures that have guided me since 1976. In all my boxes it is the only file that is here. So, the Lord must want my attention to it.

No matter where I minister this week, Gaineville Tx, Yukon Ok, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, India Matamoros Mx, Pakistan and more the focus is the same. “Bringing Spiritual Food for Strength”.

This week I am in all these places face to face in person, by phone, zoom, and skype. Teaching pastors, evangelizing, casting out demons, praying for the sick, working with folks on probation. “Bringing Spiritual Food for Strength”. Making disciples.

1983 the vision statement – groups in prison and at work

1984 flag float witnessing in Yukon with a house church

1985 warrior float Yukon house church

1986/87 old restaurant on 66 in El Reno – community group

This present revival belongs to the young and the old. Those that have kept the faith, prepare to see more than all you have seen. Those that are just starting, get busy, the adventure is great.

This present revival is marked by consistent effort.

Morning Moment: Staying Revived Feb 2020

The last few months have been intense. Death has taken too many friends. Disaster has attached too many friends. Disease plagues our globe. Yet, the word of the Lord is hidden in my heart that I might not sin with doubt.

Psalm 19 popped up in my Bible reader this morning. Do you start every day in the Bible? Your should. No matter if I am up early or late, I put on coffee and sit down with my Bible and the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Yesterday, the guiding thought of the day was to economize my efforts. Work only on what I feel the Holy Spirit will cause to grow strong. That is not how He always guides me, but it is His instruction to me this day. There is much in the Bible. I work on one idea at a time. The day before He spoke to be strong and courageous and reminded me that He personally was going in front of me to make my path successful. One thought, one day at a time.

Take the first line of this second half of Psalm 19. I have memorized and rememorized this section many times over the years. There is a lyric to it that is an amazing comfort. You can find it here.

“The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. “ The soul is our mind, will, and emotions. Want energy and vibrancy in your thoughts and attitudes and beliefs? Then meditate on God’s instructions daily. Now there are many portions of the Bible, but the instructions to me are areas like Psalms and Proverbs and the sermon on the mount and teachings of Jesus. Get some instruction daily and put it into action. You will think more clearly, act more distinctly, and see a better life unfold daily.

Sing with it. Tamp it into your souls. For years the last verse was printed and hanging at my desk so I would see it every day, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” If those who call on Christ prayed that every day our political landscape would clean up in 90 days, our families would settle into strength, and our friendships would be more full. It instructs me to guard my thoughts and take out junk, accusations, worry, blame shifting, awefullizing, whining, complaining, fear mongering, and get full of love, joy, peace, patience, hope, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and self control. It instructs me to come alongside whatever is pure and just and true and holy, it there be any praise, any excellency to think on these things. Instructs me to cast out fear for the Lord of all is with me. It instructs me to remember that everyone deserves the next chance to change not just a second chance.

Someone said, “Revival is coming.” Let me correct that, “Revival is here.” The word of the Lord is revival when applied. Revival is not a pink sign in the front yard of a church or an event to which we go and gawk or a facebook emotional moment. Revival is allowing the instructions of God to guide your next step one moment and one day at a time. And that option is available now and always, it does not come and go. He comes to stay. Keep your conversation with Him vibrant and obedient and thoughtful. Be revived.

This present revival. MOMENTUM January 2022

What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of human nature.

Galatians 5:16 GNT

Human nature is selfish, fearful, greedy, and pursues personal want and gains… The Holy Spirit is full of faith, hope, and love.

The contrast is as true in ministry as in business and family and friendships. Mostly we do what we do because we want to do it. Our human nature tells us what to pursue and off we go. And then we blame the result on God.

Consider this morning the momentum of God vs the momentum of human effort. Stop what you are doing. Just stop it. Then get in the momentum stream of the Holy Spirit.

In my darkest moments, when I want to quit the pursuit if God and return to my own energy and desires, I tell myself, “Someone prayed, and God sent me as a piece of the answer. Be faithful in this little and leave the big results to the Lord. I will do what I can and trust His bigger plan. Stay in the stream of His momentum.”

Where is the Lord carrying momentum in the streams of your life? Get in that flow. Get in His momentum.

Where is simple human energy carrying me forward? Is this a desire of the Lord for me? I am human so human is ok. But is this a part of human He wants for me? Commit the simple human flow into His hands along with the anointed God flow. Get in His momentum.

What is the momentum He is supporting?

You won’t get that answer in a book or a sermon. You will need to talk to Him every morning, noon, and night. Get in His momentum.

If you are at a country dance where the Texas two-step fit the music, it is not a suitable time to do ballet. Your momentum is off and uncoordinated with the band. What music is the Holy Spirit playing around you? Get in His momentum.

Don’t fight it. The timing may be different than your customary human nature wants. The flow may seem stilted for a season as we adapt. Get in His momentum. He will carry us through when it is Him and not our human self-center. And He will carry us through even when we struggle as long as we stay connected, step on toes, trip up the dance floor, and give Him the lead as we learn. His momentum keeps us.

Father, I just want to dance Your dance and let momentum of the Holy Spirit carry me. Don’t let me step on too many toes as I learn. Keep me close. Thanks, Lord.

This present revival.. SUSTAIN Jan 2022

“But it is you, a man my equal and my counsel, My companion and my familiar friend; We who had sweet fellowship together, Who walked to the house of God in company. As for me, I shall call upon God, And the Lord will save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will complain and murmur, And He will hear my voice. He has redeemed my life in peace from the battle that was against me, For there were many against me.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭55:13-14, 16-18‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Life gives us many opportunities to be refreshed and restrained. Sometimes they come together. A restraint imposed by one we love and serve can be an act of compassion and training or it can be malicious. In each situation, we are wise to call out to the Lord to distinguish. The Lord will refresh us in either should we trust and rely on Him. He will use hardship to bring us to peace. He sustains those that turn to Him.

This year, I enter the 40th year of commissioned ministry. There are restraints of compassion, ageing, and attack. Yet, no restraint can hold me back. They cannot hold back from the walk the Lord has designed. The influence and impact of my life is a culmination and grows greater with every step. Though the steps are slower they are not too slow. Though the steps are heavier, they are not too heavy. Though the steps are more painful, they are not too painful. He sustains those that turn to Him.

The steps are slower as they must consider the influence more. The steps are heavier because they have greater impact. The steps are more painful because they carry the burdens of more people. The steps are sustained because they rely more on Him. He sustains those that turn to Him.

When the Lord selected this psalm for us this morning, I wondered what He wanted to say. Each morning, my first habit is to open, listen to Him, and reflect to you. It is a prophetic prayer habit that is a portion of my call and commission. Many think of prayer as intercession for removal of situations. I consider prayer as a launch pad of immersion in His will. Where does He want us to go? What is He doing today so they we can walk alongside? How can I become stronger in Him? He sustains those that turn to Him.

Consider the surroundings of these promises. The psalmist has been attacked and restrained by someone he loves and has served. It is a malicious restraint and attack. He turns to the judge of the universe for relief. He goes to the Father for release. He opens the path of his life to the hands of the Lord for direction. And the Lord is on his side. The Lord is in motion. The Lord is the defender. He, the Lord, sustains those that turn to Him.

Consider the surroundings of your walk. This is the 46th year of my committed walk with the Lord and the 40th year of commissioned ministry. Whether you walk with Him for a month or 5 decades, He refreshes your soul. Whether you carry the burdens of mistaken living and imperfect obedience or just the weight of daily duties or the cross and cause of Christ or the attack of a friend, He refreshes your soul. And He will refresh you, release you, and renew you over and over and over that you may dance in the light of His love forever.

Let’s pray: Father, refresh our soul. Sparkle in our eyes. Cause the strength of our life to become greater with every step. Enable us to carry more weight with less effort. Send us into the world and keep us from becoming of this world. Separate us from those people and situations that are too heavy and are of a malicious intent. Deliver us from evil. Lead us not into temptation. Give us this day our daily bread. And, we will dance with refreshed hope, increased faith, and greater love. You, oh Lord, sustain those that turn to You.

Morning Moment : Revive Me Nov 2018

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things And revive me in Your way.

Psalms 119:37 NKJV

Revival does not happen in churches. Revival happens in hearts.

Consider the walk and way of Jesus. His miracles happened in the streets. Articles talk about revival as if it were something for a church meeting.

In this picture all eyes are turned to the one booth, where a child is playing. For a moment, Jesus has the attention of all. We invited hundreds to come meet Him that day. We were in the marketplace. He had people’s attention. No heads were bowed. No eyes were closed. Everyone was looking.

Pentecost happened in an outdoor courtyard. Should we look for revival at the farmer’s market?

The five thousand were fed on a hillside. Should we look for revival in a pumpkin patch?

The Gadarene demonizes were revived by gravestones. Should we seek revival in the cemetery?

The woman was met and revived by a water well. Should we look for revival in the coffee shop?

The man was healed as his friends let him down through the roof. Should we look for revival on our front porch?

Should we look in our hearts? We should pay attention to the one person in front of us and worry less about the many we do not know?

Be revived. He is near to all who call out.

Revival Tips Oct 2019

The first four actions birthed in prayer

1. People stir up the fire and action of the Holy Spirit in personal life and witness

2. Leaders release and enable the people and step to positions of empowerment not control.

3. All open to the voice of God announcing the fresh move. God is God.

4. Islands come together across lines to work jointly while honoring the distinctiveness of each.

Shortly after this message, we gathered in community prayer for 3 hours. A few months later COVID closed so much and antagonistic separation came across the nation. We went underground working with folks on probation and parole. Now the Holy Spirit is saying, “The windows of heaven are open. Engage”

You are loved

The Holy Spirit is ready to revive

Pastor Phil Larson

searching.. mega wally world chuch

Being a tad sensitive to pounding bass that vibrates my teeth and organs, I choose the vibrating chairs in the foyer.. last two attempts made me physically sick at the int3nsity of vibration.. I can control volume with my bionic ears, but not the vibration

this means I can’t enter into singing worship, which I thrive on. maybe if the turned the foyer screens toward the chairs

public water baptism is cool.. a key part of faith and community

the greeters were friendly and a a today. usually cold and taking to each other.. not as gauntlet intimidating but space to allow for people to enter without being blocked

good parking available today even with a good crowd in services

coffee and tea bar bustling


foyer is so loud, no ability to visit with a member, greeter, pastor, group leader

I’ve tried emailing a few times and never got a response ..